By The Lazy Tigers
We know it is traditional in June for magazine columns to be full of advice on getting yourself ‘beach ready’. This advice frequently involves a lot of shopping, dieting and self-improvement. At London Tiger Coffee, we say you are beach ready if you have a swimsuit and a well-packed cool box. So here is our take on what you need to be well fed at the beach and have a lovely day with the minimum amount of work and the maximum amount of leisure.
First, consider taking no food and drink to the beach and relying instead on one or more of the excellent beach bars we have in Lagos and the surrounding area. These establishments will serve you food when needed and take your drinks from their fridges. If you must be selfreliant, here are a few simple rules.
All beach food must be applied straight to the mouth out of the box. Do not bring salad in bowls with serving spoons, or anything which needs decanting for individual servings. Do not bring anything which will immediately melt in the sun and/or attract sand, such as chocolate or mayonnaise. Do not bring anything with parts which needs assembling or garnish which might blow away. Try instead preparing these easy recipes and keep them in a nice big cooler.
Have a lovely time at the beach and when you are trudging home hot and weary, come and see us at London Tiger Coffee in the old town.
Shrewsbury Biscuits
Shrewsbury biscuits are an ancient English recipe, taste delicious, and crucially do not melt in your hands
To make 30:
- 200g of butter
- 125g of sugar
- 4 egg yolks (save the whites for
- meringues)
- Zest and juice of both an orange and
- lemon
- 150g of sultanas
- 400g of plain flour
Pan Bagnat
Try what the French call a pan or pan bagnat. Some make it as a classic salade niçoise, but there are no rules
To serve 4:
- 1 big round cob type loaf (crusty)
- 1 clove of garlic 2 tbsp of pesto (buy a good one in the supermarket) 1 or 2 courgettes sliced lengthways
- 3 or 4 red and yellow peppers (NO
- green ones) sliced thickly
- 2 large tbsp of olive oil
- 200 grams of cheese (knock yourself out, something soft)
- 200 grams of some lovely Portuguese charcuterie
- A big handful of mixed salad leaves
- A small handful of basil
- Salt and pepper
Cut the top of the loaf and hollow it out. Grill the vegetables for a few minutes in the olive oil to soften and cool them.
Cut the garlic and rub it around the inside then spread the pesto there, and under the lid. Season the vegetables and cheese well and build layers of veg, cheese, meat and salad, finish with a layer of basil. Put the lid on, wrap tightly in cling film and put in the fridge for 2 hours or overnight with a heavy weight on top. Cut in slices and rewrap for the beach.
Long Island Iced Tea
Long cocktails in large flasks are perfect for the beach. Good big pumpaction vacuum jugs prevent spillage.
To Make 1.5 Litres and serve 4:
- 50ml of vodka
- 50ml of gin
- 50ml of tequila
- 50ml of rum
- 50ml of triple sec
- 100ml of lime juice
- 500ml cola
- Lime wedges
- Ice
Pour all the booze, lime juice and cola into the flask. Add the lime wedges and top the flask up with ice. Enjoy