Chef, Nina Abbott, always struggled with her weight until five years ago when she lost 30 kilos. While unable to work due to COVID, she came up with a business plan to help others do the same.
“During my 30s I was overweight until I started to change my eating habits and began walking to work every day. Then when I was 40 I met my partner Marco and we started walking and cycling together. Then I started to train at a gym with a friend.”
Her friend was training at the RFS gym in Lagos on the ‘eight-week weight-loss challenge’ and she bought the course for Nina as a present. It was to change her life and perspective on food. “One of the biggest failings on the eight-week challenge is not having the food prepared. That is the key to success.”
There were some people doing the weight-loss challenge online from the UK and most of them were ordering calorie counted food, making the challenge much easier. Nina realised there was nothing like that in the Algarve. So before the next group embarked on the challenge she started organising and cooking their meal plans for them.
She found working as a head chef in Salema very stressful and contributed to her unhealthy eating habits. She left her job to go and work in her brother’s restaurant. When COVID hit she found herself at home and came up with the idea of creating meal boxes to help others with weight loss or muscle building.
She cooks with fresh ingredients on Sunday and Wednesday nights and delivers on a Monday and Thursday. Her menu offers food to suit all tastes and dietary requirements and the boxes cost a very reasonable 8,50€.
“My customers are not just those trying to lose weight but also people who work and don’t have
time to prepare a healthy balanced meal. Some people work in an office and want a low-fat alternative to nipping out to buy a sandwich. But I also prepare meals for a macro diet.”
I have tried one of Nina’s meal boxes and can attest to them being incredibly tasty. It definitely doesn’t taste like diet food and left me feeling satisfied but not bloated like the normal carb-filled meals I share with the children.
So if you want to have Nina get you prepped to eat healthily or lose weight Marniprep is your introduction to a slimmer and healthier lifestyle.
+351 938 602 671
Nina and Marco having completed eight-week challenge