Four projects for support networks for victims of domestic abuse, gender-based violence and human trafficking were awarded 700,000 euros of EU funds.
As part of the specialised support and assistance for victims of domestic violence, gender-based violence, and human trafficking, four applications were approved on July 1st by the ALGARVE 2030 Regional Program, with activities throughout the region.
Interventions in the field of assistance, support, and specialised support for victims of domestic violence and gender-based violence, with Psychological Support Response (RAP) for children and young victims of domestic violence, will be carried out by TAIPA in the municipalities of Aljezur Monchique, Lagos and Vila do Bispo (GAVA project – Victim Support Office), and by APAV in the rest of the territory (APAV Algarve 2.0 project – assistance to victims of domestic violence).
Interventions to protect, support, and empower victims of domestic violence and gender-based violence, through the operation of Emergency Reception Responses (RAE), as a direct and coordinated response with the actions of the service structures, will be developed by the Portuguese Red Cross through the Emergency Reception House for Victims of Domestic Violence of CVP Faro-Loulé.
Multidisciplinary interventions are aimed at providing safe accommodation, emotional stabilisation, and future social (re)integration of women and men, and minor children aswell as victims of human trafficking. These initiatives have been developed by the Accommodation and Protection Centres (CAP), which offers social, legal and psychological support capacities through victim empowerment and/or referral to another service. The changes will be implemented by the Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV) through CAP SUL 2.0 – Accommodation and Protection Center – SOUTH.
The approved FSE+ support in these four projects, totaling about 700 thousand euros under the ALGARVE 2030 Program, will allow the continuity of these interventions in the region over the next two years, contributing to meeting the objectives of public policies set out in the National Strategy for Equality and Non-Discrimination 2018-2030 “Portugal + Equal” and their respective action plans.