Lagos Welcomes Visit from Secretary of State for Fisheries
On Wednesday morning, the municipal executive and the president of the Municipal Assembly accompanied the official visit of Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar, Secretary of State for Fisheries, to Lagos.
Her visit was to allow her to observe the interventions made at the facilities and infrastructures managed by Docapesca, as well as to review the progress of the Marina de Lagos expansion project and the fulfilment of commitments to the fishing sector.
Sérgio Faias, President of Docapesca’s Board of Directors, along with members from the Algarve Ports and Fish Auctions Directorate, highlighted completed and ongoing improvements. These included outfitting the fish auction with an ice manufacturing unit, building a new floating dock at the fishing port, and installing photovoltaic panels. He also discussed future conditions planned for the Lagos fishing port.
Martinho Fortunato, CEO of Marlagos, S.A., presented the Marina expansion project and its phased development, emphasising its focus on environmental sustainability. This is reflected in the materials to be used and the installation of two water supply lines, one of which will use recycled water from Lagos’ wastewater treatment plant (ETAR). He also noted that Marina de Lagos is the hub of a cluster with over 100 companies.
Representatives from fishing associations were also present, representing a sector with deep ancestral roots in Lagos and significant economic, social, and cultural importance.
In a protocol signed between the municipality and Docapesca about a year ago, the municipality ensured the reservation of an area for the creation of a Nautical Training and Sailing Center and the construction of a new headquarters for the Lagos Sailing Club. This agreement involved the transfer of public maritime land for the Marina de Lagos’ private use for 50 years. The municipality also reaffirmed its commitment to safeguarding the fishing sector’s interests, ensuring space and safety for vessels in the water, and providing high-quality onshore support facilities.
The visit concluded with a tour of Sopromar Shipyards, a key company in this economic cluster.