We are always really pleased to get letters from our readers. If you would like to send us your views on anything that’s going on in the western Algarve or if you have any suggestions to make about the magazine please email: sophie@tomorrowalgarve.com
Dear Sophie Sadler,
I read with interest your story Meet the President in Tomorrow magazine. As a previously elected councillor from England, I have met the President at Vila Do Bispo over the concerns of box vans and drifters making our lives unpleasant with endless parties being held until the early hours of each morning. She must understand, as I do, the strain and problems it’s causing real estate owners who are concerned with their properties at risk of being devalued. To date, the President of Vila Do Bispo has issued notices for their removal within 60 days.
For sure this is the only President in the last 20 years we can trust, and I do hope she removes the illegals that are making life unbearable for legal residents that have legally invested in Vila Do Bispo. Hip Hip Hooray, at last a real community leader is here to help us. Rute Silva for sure will get my vote for her excellent representation.
Dennis Johnson (Former UK elected Councillor )