The Cat is here to stay!

She won Festival da Canção and went on to represent Portugal in the Grand Final of Eurovision, performing to a global audience of 150 million people. Eighteen months after our first interview, we caught up with our friend of Tomorrow, the marvellous Mimicat.

Eurovision opens the door to many opportunities but also brings its own baggage, with many acts subsequently finding it difficult to establish themselves as respected artists. When I spoke with Mimicat back in May 2023, I had little doubt that she was here to stay. She has proved me right with a new album to her name and a trailblazing visit to China behind her.

In 2023, Mimicat broke new ground by becoming the first artist to win Festival da Canção with a song that wasn’t composed by one of RTP’s invited songwriters, which was quite an achievement and testament to her talent as a songwriter. ‘Ai Coração’ (Oh Heart), a rip-roaring song she performed with fantastic verve, caught the public’s imagination. It was a win which earned her entry to the semi-finals of Eurovision and ultimately the Grand Final in London.

On returning to Portugal, Mimicat was in demand, with numerous radio and television appearances, including a headline grabbing performance on RTP’s prime time show, The Voice Kids. These opportunities gave the public a chance to connect with Mimicat as a person and they obviously liked what they saw – a lively, intelligent personality, with an abundance of talent. 

Mimicat followed the success of ‘Ai Coração’ with ‘Vais Ter Saudades’ (You’ll Miss Me). Both of these songs feature on her latest album Peito (Chest), released in September. Comprising 12 tracks, Peito is an impressive and mature album incorporating elements of soul, fado, popular music, swing and jazz. Mimicat wrote and composed all of the songs.

Peito represents my journey,” said Mimicat. “It’s really a demonstration of versatility but above all of creativity and what it has been like for ten years, where I have been, where I came from and where I am going.” Mimicat presented the album live at Teatro Maria Matos, in Lisbon. To see her in concert is a treat. She has a wonderful voice and a terrific stage presence which enables her to connect with audiences.

In addition to the new album and numerous live shows, Mimicat fronted RTP’s coverage of this year’s Eurovision and took part in a government-sponsored excursion to China. The ‘Cultural Week of China and Portuguese-Speaking Countries’ celebrates cultural cooperation between respective nations. Mimicat performed twice and was praised by Observador and other media outlets as ‘the highlight of the cultural week’.

Mimicat is currently performing as the Genie in Aladdin on Ice at Alegro Alfragide, in Lisbon. It’s a role that called for her to adapt her lifelong roller skating skills to ice skating! “I can’t tell you how much I love doing this show,” said Mimicat. “It’s a super team with people I admire immensely, plus my kids love their mom as a Genie!” Aladdin on Ice runs until 12 January and mixes music, dance, theatre and skating, and promises to delight the whole family.

The year ahead promises to be equally as busy for Mimicat, perhaps even more so. She’ll be returning to the recording studio to start work on original songs and a new album, which will be out later this year or very early 2026. Mimicat has worked hard to achieve her success and as a songwriter and performer, she’s most definitely the ‘real deal’ and here to stay.


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