I don’t know about you, but this year feels as if it has gone on forever: that sense of chaos and uncertainty coming and going throughout the year.
The end of the year is a good time to look back and reflect. The pandemic has changed our priorities, goals, lifestyles and it has forced us to re-evaluate: to look at the positive changes and the negative ones. Especially for those of us who live here, it has been two years of very little visiting of family and friends due to travel restrictions, so it does make you really appreciate a lot of what we took for granted pre-pandemic.
In yoga, we often talk about getting rid of that which no longer serves us, our unwanted thoughts and habits, and this year it feels as if it is a good time to ‘declutter’ our habits and our goals. For many of us lockdown was a great opportunity to sort out our houses and to have a good clear out; this is also something we can do for ourselves.
During the month, start to reflect on the year, find the positives you enjoyed in lockdown. Maybe it was spending more time with your family, cooking more, getting out in nature to walk and exercise more. Get a notebook and write down these thoughts, and start to form those ideas for next year, start to think about how you want 2022 to be, what do you want more of – and less of – and hopefully we will have a year that continues to progress and recover from the pandemic, allowing us to be able to fulfil the goals we set for ourselves in January.
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Web : www.fit2lovelife.com
email : ann@fit2lovelife.com