Tom’s at it again! As if he didn’t eat enough curry at his opulent 80th celebration at Delhi Darbar, he was out again sampling the local culinary delights – this time a full Sunday roast.
What a treat is in store for all you lovers of Sunday roast because Jared and John and their attentive staff gave us a glimpse of their unbeatable Sunday roast at Marina Bar in Lagos.
The bar and restaurant are on the quieter side of the marina, where you can enjoy an air of tranquillity and calm. There is an orderly array of comfortable seating where you immediately feel relaxed while eyeing the fantastic views over the water with the wide assortment of yachts and motorboats, with none of the noise often associated with a busy waterfront.
Their Sunday roast choice of either beef or pork belly with crackling with a great selection of fresh vegetables has all the right mix of roast potatoes, honeyed roast parsnips, cauliflower cheese and Yorkshire pudding accompanied by horse radish. What a feast, and all for 14€ or with a meat combo.
Jared tells me they aim to be as good as the best, with friendliness topping the list so that customers leave happier than when they arrived. These are lovely sentiments which I can confirm to be true.
I am 100% sure you will not be disappointed and I recommend a booking. Well done, John and Jared, for creating this lovely harmonious spot.
It should be Sunday every day!
+351 282 789 701