Parkinson’s sufferer Hedi Krug hopes to use her artistic creations to raise money for charity and fight against her illness.
Hedi (72) has been splitting her time between Lagos and Mainz in Germany for the last ten years. She has become inspired by the Algarve’s beaches, ocean and, in particular, shells. Hedi explains, “The shells are historical examples of what, over centuries, lived in the oceans. This gave me the inspiration to give these unique artefacts a new life.”
Since developing Parkison’s disease, Hedi has used working or modelling with her hands to support her motor functions. She collects items from the beaches to create small handmade items.
Some of her creations use the broken fragments of terracotta pots formerly used for squid fishing. During fishing seasons, due to ongoing use, some of the pots break up and the fragments end up on the beaches, moulded into interesting shapes. Hedi explains, “Each piece is unique and has its own story. ”
Now for the first time, Hedi has a small exhibition in the Lagos Tivoli Hotel, starting on 7 August for two weeks. The profit from the sales will go to the local Bombeiros and cover the costs of her future work.
Her husband Herbert told us, “As a so far unknown artist, Hedi will get the chance to show her work to a broader audience and it will be a great step in her ongoing battle against her illness.”