Menopause Versus Our Skin

As we enter into the menopausal phase of our lives, many factors go against our skin. Studies have shown that we lose 30% of our collagen in the first five years of menopause. If that’s not depressing enough, we lose a further 2% every year thereafter! The skin’s firmness and elasticity diminish due to our falling oestrogen levels.

Along with this soul-destroying news of sagging skin, the alterations in hormone levels can start to make the skin feel dehydrated and very itchy!

The best vitamins we can take during this stage are hydrolysed collagen and vitamins B, D and E. When it comes to skincare, look for ingredients with ceramides and peptides. Try not to use anything too harsh, as this can cause the skin to react and have breakouts. If you feel your skin is dehydrated and you don’t want to load the skin with more cream throughout the day, facial mists containing hyaluronic acid are a great way to soothe and hydrate the skin, particularly during the summer. If you’re suffering from hot flushes, the facial mist evaporates off your skin, cooling you down at the same time as hydrating. 

Eat lots of fruits, including apples, berries, grapes, peaches, pears and plums. Nuts, such as sunflower, flaxseeds, wheat germ and barley oats, are a good source of nutrients. Rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc, these tiny superfoods can help ease menopause symptoms and effects. 

Now here’s the good news … drink plenty of liquids derived from plants: these include olive oil, coffee, tea, beer and red wine. Yes, you did read that right!

There are also so many procedures available, such as Botox, fillers, non-surgical procedures and even small surgeries to help lift, tone, smooth and minimise lines. These techniques can give back that fresher and more youthful look if done subtly. Enhancing your features and still looking like you but a brighter you!

Donna is a beauty therapist and medical micropigmentation specialist. She works at the Kutting Room in Praia da Luz.


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