A group of foreign residents in the western Algarve raised more than three thousand euros on 12 May to send ambulances to Ukraine.
WORDS Angela Broad
Pashmina Indian Restaurant in Carvoeiro hosted a superb lunch, and over 120 guests generously participated in raffles and auctions while enjoying spectacular live music entertainment from Poor Man’s Band – six retired businessmen who play rock and roll songs from the sixties. The event was particularly poignant for one of the guests; his grandson felt so strongly about the injustices he volunteered for the Ukraine army and is currently fighting in the war.
Over the last two years, several events have provided funds for the project Ambulances for Ukraine, run by Roman Grymalyuk in Lagos. Together with his team, Roman tirelessly transforms old vehicles into ambulances and delivers them to the front line. They are used to rescue wounded Ukrainian soldiers and transport them speedily to medical posts.
Sixteen vehicles have been delivered to the elite forces in Ukraine so far. TAP Airlines has been instrumental in helping return the drivers to Portugal. Apart from raising money, the latest event benefited the cause by introducing Roman to the guests. The Algarve’s retired community has a wide range of skills and knowledge that they freely give to help the project, but more expertise is always invaluable.
Already eager to help are potential drivers willing to deliver the ambulances, a specialised drone manufacturer with the latest technology and a 3D printing company based in the north of Portugal. At the moment, we need assistance in sourcing old 4 x 4 vehicles. If anyone can help, please contact us. Your help could make a significant difference.
All donations are welcomed at the official website.