Ana Isabel Amaro rose to the top of her profession before breaking out and making a name for herself in the art world. Ana tells our contributor Vaughan Willmore how “It’s never too late to make a change.”
“It takes a long time to become young”
– Pablo Picasso
“When I was growing up in Sagres, my mother, sister and I spent long summers painting beach stones, mirrors and wood. Looking back, that ‘little bug’, that desire to create, was always there, but it is only recently I allowed it to manifest itself.”
Ana Isabel Amaro began her formal education at the Escola Secundária Gil Vicente in Lagos and later graduated in banking management from the Instituto Superior de Gestão Bancária, in Lisbon. Most of her banking career was spent in Lagos and Portimão. She worked at the Lagos branch of Banco Espirito Santo (now Novo Banco) for 14 years and is understandably proud of the career she had and the important part she played in the development of the bank’s projects and in the city of Lagos itself. Ana was later promoted to director of the Portimão branch, one of the biggest branches in the Algarve. They were interesting and sometimes challenging times, with Ana experiencing many developments, such as the ‘boom’ in residential-based tourism and the financial crisis of 2007/8.
In 2019, Ana took early retirement. Very sadly, a year later, her beloved husband passed away after a long illness. They were tough times. “I tried to find other ways of occupying my time,” she said. “I was active with hiking, swimming, cycling, going to the cinema, reading and travelling. I was very busy, but I needed something else. A friend suggested I try painting and from the moment I bought the canvasses, paints and brushes, I was hooked. It felt so liberating and fulfilling.”
Ana was keen to learn from other artists and tried developing her skills by reproducing the work of several painters she admired. It was only after she “gave herself permission” to try and create something original, that she felt fulfilled. Ana is an admirer of Piccaso’s work and outlook on life and his saying, “Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist”, resonated with her. Today, Ana’s art would typically be regarded as being ‘abstract’ but in truth, ‘excellent’ is as good as any label.
Ana now lives in the municipality of Albufeira where she works from her home studio. She finds afternoons to be the most productive part of the day and describes painting as being ‘completely engrossing’. “I really enjoy the painting process,” said Ana, “and allowing myself to be carried away by my emotions, imagination, and memories; and expressing it all in my painting.” Ana uses shape, colours and tones uniquely, producing acrylic paintings conveying movement, transparency, depth and light. They encourage the viewer to explore their content and meaning.
Ana’s work has been exhibited throughout the Algarve, including at Art Expo Algarve, the annual exhibition which typically takes place at Portimão Arena. She is currently in conversation with several Lisbon galleries about exhibiting her work there. It has all been quite a change since her time in banking. I asked Ana what advice she has for anyone going through a tough time or thinking of acquiring a new skill. “Life can be tough,” said Ana. “I know that only too well, but believe me, it’s never too late to reinvent yourself and try something new.” Wise words indeed.
To find out more about Ana’s work and her plans for the future, please see her Instagram page or contact Ana directly on email. Ana will happily share a brochure showcasing her portfolio of work.
Instagram @ana_isabel_arte