Plastic Surgery – The Truth Behind the Mask

I grew up in a family of doctors, and my grandfather, Professor Baptista Fernandes, was the pioneer in plastic surgery in Portugal. 

After World War I and II, due to massive numbers of injured and burnt patients, Professor Archibald McIndoe and Sir Harold Gillies (the father of Modern Plastic Surgery) developed the concept of Plastic Surgery as an autonomous medical speciality. They launched training programs in England, teaching the technique and science, and several surgeons from various parts of the world joined them.

My grandfather graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon in 1941. He always had an interest in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, a speciality not yet recognised in Portugal. During his general surgery training, he found that the knowledge was simply not enough to fully treat the patients. Between 1948 and 1949, he completed a specialisation in plastic surgery with Professor McIndoe and Sir Gillies. Years later, he kept returning for more training and improvement, developing techniques that he introduced in Portugal.

Between 1955 and 1962, and without a plastic surgery hospital service created, he circulated among the various hospitals in Lisbon, identifying patients for whom there was now a treatment solution. He operated on them on Sundays, the only day available. This was something extremely painful because, for a Catholic, Sunday should be the day of rest and spending time with family.

The first cosmetic surgeries in Portugal were performed in the late 1950s. In 1961, after proving his capabilities, he created the Portuguese Plastic Surgery Society.

In 1965, this medical-surgical speciality was finally recognised in Portugal and Dr. Baptista Fernandes was responsible for educating and training several specialists. The first Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery service was finally created at Hospital de Santa Maria in 1977.

In addition to his great professional and pedagogical career, performing more than 30.000 surgeries, he acquired a professional competence recognised by his peers, being acknowledged as the main developer of plastic and reconstructive surgery in Portugal. 

Dr. Baptista Fernandes

I have always been inspired by my grandfather’s experience. The impact he had on so many lives is amazing. He inspired me to follow in his footsteps becoming a plastic surgeon myself. Even now, many of my patients praise his work.

The definition of health by the World Health Organization in the 1950s states that “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Can we distinguish between Physical Health and Mental Health? I don’t believe we can. Plastic and Reconstructive surgery play an important role in correcting congenital or acquired physical deformities. Essential to maintain physical function, it is also vital to the acquisition of aesthetic harmonisation and beauty. 

Mental Health is a hot topic, and Cosmetic Surgery should not be considered futile. We work on shaping, restoring and recovering a patient’s face and body. We help a person to feel more confident in their image and more empowered. Achieving an emotional, psychological and social well-being allows each individual to feel more integrated in their family, work and among friends. 

Today, the world has changed. The impact of cinema, television and social media has created a new desire in patients: people just want to look perfect! 

Having the right expectations is the key to success. A patient simply has to know and understand what plastic surgery can and cannot deliver.

The importance of choosing the right plastic surgeon and the right hospital cannot be underestimated. Safety is a must. In Portugal, we have amazing and highly trained Plastic Surgeons. Private Hospitals also follow strict national standards and deliver high-quality health services. 

It was with great pleasure that I have accepted the challenge of collaborating with Tomorrow magazine. Over the next few months, I invite you to join me in discovering the beauty of this surgical speciality. We will address interesting topics, share news about this art, demystify some ideas and give you a true picture of plastic surgery.

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