Golf and Menopause

With the average age of a golfer being in their 50s, it means that there are a lot of female golfers who are going through menopause.

Staying active is one way of improving symptoms and overall well-being during menopause: 

Golf is a great way to increase your steps. It can work both muscles and the cardiovascular system, keeping your heart healthy and your bones strong while promoting balance and flexibility.

Spending time outdoors in nature has been linked to lower stress and better moods.

Golf is a great way to build social networks for support and to share with each other. Understanding how others are feeling and knowing that you are not alone is such a great comfort. 

Unfortunately, menopause can also have a negative impact on our golf, both from a mental and physical point of view. 

Increased muscle aches and inflammation in your joints can affect your swing.

Fatigue, due to interrupted sleep, can lead to tiredness on the course.

Brain fog and loss of concentration can cause you to not focus on shots as easily. 

Anxiety and feeling low can lead to you doubting your swing or not playing with the same level of confidence.

At times, menopause can make us very emotional, and this can lead to us feeling frustrated and upset with ourselves when we are not playing well. 

Being aware of our symptoms and learning how to deal with them on the course is so important: 

Creating a good warm-up to keep our bodies moving freely is vitally important as we age. 

Recognise, in particular, the symptoms which can affect our mindset on the course. It is easier to deal with them when we are aware of them so we can continue to enjoy the game. Meditation and breathwork can help maintain focus and reduce anxiety. 

Learning acceptance on the course is something we all need to do, and it can help us not to be so frustrated with our game. 

There is no doubt that getting out in nature, walking and moving around the course and spending time chatting with our playing partners is a great way to help us to navigate this time. It is also a great time to take up the sport if you never have. Menopause is a time when we often want to make changes, try new things and become more active, so if you do not play, why not give it a go? 

Ann de Jongh is a health and well-being coach.

+351 913 202 621


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