Prevention of Rural Fires

The Regional Commission for the Integrated Management of Rural Fires met on 12 July for a discussion at the CCDR Algarve – Agriculture and Fisheries facilities in Patacão, Faro, to coordinate and prevent Integrated Territorial Management in the Algarve.

Provided for in Decree-Law no. 82/2021 of 13 October, which establishes the Integrated Rural Fire Management System in mainland Portugal, the Regional and Sub-Regional Commission includes all sixteen Algarve municipalities, Security Forces and Services, AGIF, Civil Protection, ICNF, the Private Sector and Associations, and is chaired by CCDR ALGARVE, which is responsible for approving the regional and sub-regional action programmes.

The action group considered funding the municipalities’ firefighting capabilities in the Integrated Rural Fire System. Following AGIF’s presentation of the Regional Action Plan proposal, the municipalities concluded that because the funding for the Algarve region through PEPAC and the Environmental Fund has not been sufficiently defined, the deliberative meeting should be suspended until 30 September.

This will be followed by institutional contacts with the government and the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities to convey the specific impacts of this system in the Algarve region on the implementation of the Regional Action Plan, the Subregional Action Programme, and the municipal implementation programmes.

The municipalities have carried out the actions they are responsible for and are preparing the municipal implementation programmes in the meantime. Municipalities must submit their proposals for municipal implementation plans by 1 November.

The Algarve Intermunicipal Community (AMAL) proposed the Priority Prevention and Safety Areas (APPS), which correspond to networking with all the municipalities. The APPS were approved and will be put out for public consultation in the future.


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