Fight food waste, save great food
This month Tomorrow is appealing to business owners and consumers to download this app to tackle another global pandemic – food waste.
Each year, one-third of all food produced worldwide is thrown away. This app helps restaurants, bakeries and supermarkets reduce their daily food waste.
When food is disposed of in a landfill, it rots and becomes a significant source of methane – a potent greenhouse gas with 21 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide. Growing and transporting the food that goes to waste emits as much carbon pollution as 39 million passenger vehicles.
Producing, moving, storing and cooking food uses energy, fuel and water. Each of which let off greenhouse gases contributing to climate change.
Join millions of food waste warriors by downloading Too Good To Go – the world’s number one app for fighting food waste.
The app enables you to buy quality local food for as little as 2€ – great food that would otherwise have gone to waste.
Too Good To Go’s mission statement is to put an end to food waste by creating a world where food produced is food consumed. Millions of meals have already been saved through Too Good To Go.
Here is how it works.
Find. Collect. Enjoy.
1. Find a store and place your order through the app
2. Collect your meal at the store at the specified time
3. Enjoy your meal that little bit more knowing you have just helped reduce food waste
A family of food waste warriors is awaiting you …