Sustainable Eating

A new dietary approach to health, weight loss and a little love for the planet

It is estimated that by 2050 we will need to produce approximately 60% more food to feed a world population of nearly 10 billion people. Food production already accounts for more than 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Our current diet pattern is also putting us at risk of developing many preventable, chronic illnesses (including obesity,  type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, among others). Fortunately, a diet that is good for our health doesn’t mean you have to consume lab-grown meat or snack on crunchy insects! 

Sustainable eating is about choosing foods that are healthful to our environment and our bodies:a diet that places fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts at the forefront of your plate while cutting back on animal products.  

Five easy steps to start sustainable eating:

Eat less meat: swapping out meat just one or two meals per week for unprocessed plant-based foods saves you money and could save your health. 

Plant-based milk: from an environmental standpoint, dairy cows are among the biggest agricultural contributors to both climate change and water pollution. 

Avoid ultra-processed foods: ultra-processed foods undergo multiple industrial processes to add preservatives, chemicals, artificial flavouring, added sugar and fats. Examples of ultra-processed foods include potato chips, soda (including zero calorie) and candy.  

Eat sustainably managed seafood: we are damaging our oceans and sea life to the brink of no return. A good place to start would be to diversify your seafood choices and eat smaller fish on the food chain, such as anchovies and sardines – they usually carry fewer contaminants as well.  

Eat seasonally: seasonal food is fresher, tastier and more nutritious. Seasonal foods also tend to be less expensive and carry a much smaller ecological footprint.

Sherry Fader is a certified Nutrition Educator, NE, Bauman College, Penngrove, California.  She received her Bachelor’s degree from UC Los Angeles, California. Her passion for studying nutrition and health came about when her mother was diagnosed with colon cancer (a completely preventable disease). She currently lives with her husband and dog, Zoe in Portugal.


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