October is the worldwide Rett Syndrome Awareness Month. Although many people still do not know about this condition, it is the second biggest genetic cause of severe intellectual impairment in young girls.
The Tomorrow charity TACT has donated money to support Vila do Bispo resident Alice, who is suffering from this condition. Her mother, Salomé, tells us, “I still find there is too little information about this terrible condition. To try to get a better insight into what is being done scientifically to overcome the disease, I will be going to the Annual European Rett Syndrome Congress in Marseille, France, at the beginning of October.”
Last year, through the money donated by TACT and others, Alice had great improvements in improving her social skills, balance and walking, but despite all these efforts, Rett Syndrome is still progressing in Alice, and her spine is showing worrying signs of deterioration earlier than expected. This means more physio and more hydrotherapy to strengthen her back.
To help with the costs, you can:
Collect bottle caps and deliver to Burgau Sports Centre
Donate through gofundme (link on Alice’s Instagram page @fundprettyalice)
Donate through a Portuguese account
Donate through a British account
Contact Salomé at s.morgane1985@yahoo.com