National Water Day

CCDR Algarve presents the Irrigation Warnings Platform on National Water Day.

On National Water Day, 1 October, the Algarve Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR), I.P. | Agriculture and Fisheries, held a session to present and discuss the Irrigation Notices Platform (PARE) at its premises in Patacão, Faro.

Articulating sectoral needs with water availability has been one of the major challenges facing agriculture, which has implemented various strategies and measures aimed at greater water efficiency and reducing losses and consumption.

Within this framework, the Irrigation Warning Platform (PARE) was created, a decision support system available to farmer-regulators, which aims to protect and improve the management of the region’s water resources, promoting their resilience and adaptability to the consequences of climate change. Promoting a sustainable and intelligent irrigation system, guaranteeing a reduction in water losses through run-off and percolation, is the main objective of this platform.

Still in a pre-launch phase, this free-to-access platform will provide centralised information on irrigation needs to farmers in hydro-agricultural schemes and individual irrigators operating in the Algarve region. Once this phase of contributions and suggestions for improvement has been finalised, PARE is expected to be implemented in other regions as well.

The session was opened by Gonçalo Tristão, president of the Centro Operativo e de Tecnologia de Regadio (COTR), and Pedro Valadas Monteiro, vice-president of CCDR Algarve, and closed by José Núncio, president of the Federação Nacional de Regantes (FENAREG), and Rogério Ferreira, head of the Direção-Geral de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural (DGADR).
You can see all the presentations from the session here and send your contributions and questions to the following email address:

PARE is the result of a partnership between DGADR, CCDR Algarve, COTR and FENAREG and was developed as part of the National Rural Network (RRN) action plan, in Priority Intervention Area 4 – Observation of Agriculture and Rural Territories.


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