WORDS Bernadette Abbott
Following the long and arduous process of re-registering the charity, I’m pleased that it is now complete. From 1 June 2024, The Algarve Network for Families in Need will become Associacao Algarve Families in Need—AFIN.
Most things will remain the same, whilst there will be a few small changes, some immediate and some very soon (after the first AGM. ) The first thing to change will be the facebook page. A new page will be open bearing the new name of the charity. The current page will remain open for three months with anyone sending a post being directed to the new page. The website will be updated with the new name and changes will be ongoing as issues arise. Following the AGM a new bank account will be open, with the current account being retained until the end of the year to ensure continuity for our extremely appreciated regular donors.
If you have any questions please contact me: algarvefamiliesinneed@hotmail.com