Renovation for Lagos’s Youth in Care

WORDS Tom Wilson

As I entered Casa de Acolhimento Nossa Senhora do Carmo, the children’s home in Lagos, memories flooded back to me of my old school in Scotland in the 1970s. Constructed in the 1950s, it was clean and functional, and slowly falling apart at the seams. I met with Ana Leal, the residential care director, and Susana Pales, the home’s psychologist, to discuss some of the challenges and needs facing this hidden gem of social care nestled right here in the centre of Lagos.

At the core of the mission of Casa de Acolhimento Nossa Senhora do Carmo is the desire to create a nurturing environment for children and young people facing adversity. With a dedicated support staff, the home empowers individuals to develop social, emotional, and functional skills, fostering independence and resilience for the future. Although Portugal has over 300 such homes, the absence of a co-ordinated foster system puts these facilities under constant pressure. The youth residing at Casa de Acolhimento Nossa Senhora do Carmo are there due to mistreatment, child neglect, or other challenging issues. In these modern times, these homes play a more vital role than ever.


The current state of community housing for young people in care reveals pressing issues needing support. Challenges include a shortage of funds, resulting in budgets so tight that priorities such as healthcare, education and support must take precedence over aesthetics — the only budget for upkeep are mere band-aids, covering up the bigger issues. Additional funding through NGOs and private donors are vital for the continued functioning of institutions like CASLAS.

In an inspiring initiative, a husband and wife team volunteering at Casa de Acolhimento Nossa Senhora do Carmo have launched a transformative renovation project to rejuvenate three community spaces for Lagos’s young people in care. Mary and Mike Farmer say that community involvement is crucial. They are asking Tomorrow readers to contribute in any way they can through volunteering, donations or advocacy. The current state of the living areas requires significant improvements to ensure the well-being, safety and dignity of the children in care. The renovation project’s scope encompasses upgrading infrastructure, living spaces, and recreational areas, prioritising functionality and comfort, fostering a sense of community and home.


Improved living conditions significantly influence mental health. An enhanced environment reduces stress, and encourages positive social interactions, contributing to holistic development and emotional well-being. Anybody entering a freshly painted room knows how just a lick of paint can transform how you feel. This fledgling project is already taking shape with the help of volunteers, donations and local tradesmen; a new floor has been laid in one room, but there is much more to do.

Your support can help to break the cycle of disadvantage. By supporting the renovation in any way, small or large, you can help empower young people to overcome adversity and develop skills for independent living. It goes beyond bricks and mortar. It creates a lasting impact on their lives.

As I left the meeting with Ana and Susana, as always, I left something behind: my phone. Susana joked as she handed it to me: “That’s a shame; we could do with another phone …”

The community can do much to help, and there are not enough words in this article to go into all the good CASLAS does or all the ways we can help. That’s for another day. But even the smallest donations (like a phone) can change a life.

Young minds are eager to grow. With care, belief, and opportunities, they can flourish, enriching our shared tomorrow.

To contribute (the current goal is 15,000€), the bank details are below, or contact Mary directly at or +351 961 383 378 

Stephen Farmer/CASLAS

Customer ID0896313

Account 181202551434

IBAN PT50026901810020255143429 


If you wish to donate larger amounts and get a receipt for tax purposes, contact Susana Pales


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