Christmas at the Children’s Home

Toys, clothes, food, confectionery and financial donations will help make this a special Christmas for the girls and boys at the Refúgio Aboim Ascensão in Faro.

Christmas should be a lovely time for all children and especially those who haven’t had the best of starts to their lives. That’s why the staff at Refúgio Aboim Ascensão put so much hard work into ensuring Christmas is as positive an experience as possible for the girls and boys in their care.  

The Refúgio takes in neglected, abandoned and, in some cases, abused children from all over Portugal. It’s a seven-day, 24-hour operation that’s only partly funded by the state. Fifty percent of the Refúgio’s income is dependent on the good nature of businesses and individuals. This generosity is welcome all year, and particularly so at Christmas. 

Carla Pargana, Executive Director of the Refúgio, said, “At any one time, we can be caring for up to 95 children, including young babies, many of whom have quite pronounced needs. You can imagine that we have to start preparing for Christmas very early – as early as September. There is so much to do!”

The Christmas festivities begin in earnest on 1 December. For the children, it’s that magical night when the beautifully decorated trees in the grounds of the Refúgio are illuminated for the first time, along with the Christmas tree itself. By this point, the whole of the Refúgio has been lovingly decorated by the staff and the children. The children also receive a notable visitor, namely Santa Claus himself! 

The day is also important for the many people and partner agencies that help make the Refúgio such a success. Up to 1,000 invitees can join the children and staff, including former children of the Refúgio who are now returning as adults, often with their biological or adopted parents. Carla Pargana said, “The event is a highlight of the year. We receive such wonderful help from so many people and, by opening the doors to the Refúgio to invited guests, it’s a way for us to thank them for their support.” 

In the days that follow, the boys and girls enjoy supervised trips out to see the Christmas lights in Faro. They also visit local shopping malls and see the festive decorations, hear the Christmas songs, and experience the sights and sounds of the festive period. With excitement growing, the final Sunday before Christmas is another key day, with children and staff dining together and enjoying a lovingly prepared Christmas meal. After that, there’s plenty of fun, games and singing, along with a theatre play performed by the children themselves, which provides many opportunities for them to showcase their talents in a fun and loving environment.

The children receive their presents – supplied by kindly benefactors – on Christmas Eve. Each child also receives one new set of clothes, thanks again to the generosity of businesses and private individuals. While the children are told about Jesus and his teachings, the festive arrangements are not overly religious, not least because many of the children are so very young. As for Christmas Day itself, it’s a chance for the children to enjoy their presents and a vibrant day with the staff, many of whom dress up and bring in food and soft drinks. By the end of a long and memorable day, the children (and the staff!) are well and truly exhausted.  

The fantastic staff at Refúgio Aboim Ascensão put so much hard work and love into making Christmas a wonderful occasion. Any assistance you can provide by way of donations of toys, clothing (new or used), food, confectionery and, yes, money will be appreciated. It’s a great way of letting the girls and boys at the Refúgio know that we’re thinking of them this Christmas. 

Merry Christmas to everyone at the Refúgio.

How to help:

Any assistance you can provide by way of donations will be appreciated. It’s a great way of letting the children at the Refúgio know that we’re thinking of them this Christmas. 

Please note that donations of supermarket-purchased food and confectionery are very welcome, but staff are not allowed to accept home-baked items.

Please make financial donations, however large or small, payable to:  

IBAN: PT 50 0033 0000 0004 7872 70205  



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