A dog or a cat is for life, which is why, when you make the decision to give a home to any animal, it must be the right decision. If you do your homework thoroughly, this decision will bring joy and rewards beyond measure. Every day, every month, and for the lifetime of the animal concerned.
Christmas is a time when families get together to enjoy every moment of the festivities. But it is not the time to bring a new cat, dog, puppy or kitten into a household, especially when they come from a ‘rescue’ environment. Who knows what they have experienced previously? When they first arrive in your home, they only need lots of calm, loving attention in a quiet place. Exactly the opposite of what usually happens to us humans at this time of year.
A new beginning for you both in the New Year, after the busy holidays, is a better idea. Wait until after the festivities are over and calm reigns supreme once more.
At Cadela Carlota, our care doesn’t stop for Christmas. Our dedicated staff are on duty as usual over the holiday period, continuing to look after the animals without interruption. Many loyal volunteers arrive to look after the cats or to walk the dogs as usual. After all, the animals do not know that it is Christmas. When we have given them lots of cuddles and attention, it is time for us to return to our families – knowing that we have made the festive period better for every animal we love and care for. It is a great feeling, in tune with the Christmas spirit of goodwill to all – people and animals alike.
Call for volunteers: If you would like to become a volunteer, please contact us at info@cadela-carlota.com or cadela-carlota.com