How Wise Are You? 

In our culture, the thing that trips us up about wisdom is that we often jump to conclusions that smart people or rich people are wise. But wisdom transcends knowing facts or how to make money – it’s about applying that knowledge in a way that promotes well-being and the greater good. 

As an emotions therapist, I do know for certain, having worked with hundreds of people, that wisdom does not naturally come with age. Far from it. There are countless people wandering the planet in arrested ‘wisdom’ development. They may have ‘big brains’ but pull childish antics. You may know some. 

Nurturing Your Wisdom

You may not be able to pinpoint an exact ‘ wisdom quotient’ for yourself, but I invite you to reflect by using this checklist to assess your progress in developing wisdom.

Self-Reflection: Wisdom often begins with self-awareness. What things do you do that encourage introspection so you can be aware of your values, your beliefs, and how they align with your purpose in the world?

Emotional Intelligence: Wisdom is closely tied to your ability to recognise and manage your emotions. Wise people listen actively, without judgment, and respect the feelings and autonomy of others. How’s that going for you?

Life Experience: This is something we all have, but translating it to wisdom means we need to be able to make sense of our experiences and how they’ve shaped our perspectives.

Moral and Ethical Choices: Wisdom, in this instance, is reflected in your ability to navigate complex ethical and moral dilemmas. This is tough as it involves striking a balance between competing interests and values while adhering to principles of fairness and justice.

Humility: Wise people acknowledge their limitations. They don’t pretend to have all the answers but seek continuous growth and self-improvement.

Interconnectedness: Ok, a little woo-woo, but a valid measure. Wisdom includes recognising the interconnectedness of all things … with the universe, nature, and others.

How do you believe you’re doing? You may be growing older. Are you growing wiser? 

Becca Williams is an emotions therapist and clinician who helps people free themselves from emotional burdens, traumas, and limiting beliefs to live more fulfilling lives.


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