“Murals of Freedom”

Lagos is now part of the national “Murals of Freedom” itinerary

The artists began creating mural #08 on July 21st and completed it by the 23rd, adding another excellent example of urban art to Lagos. Broadly dedicated to the theme of “Freedom,” this artistic initiative revisits the events leading up to April 25th, explores the historical moments of the revolution, and highlights the achievements and opportunities it provided.

In Lagos, the creative duo RUÍDO focused on the right to vote as the subtheme of their work, highlighting the importance of this democratic achievement. On the last day of the mural’s creation, the artist Draw led two painting workshops. The first workshop actively involved participants from the Senior University of Lagos, while the second engaged a group of children and young people from the “Viver o Verão +IN (Inclusive)” summer program.

50th anniversary of April 25th

This initiative, which the municipality supported, marks and celebrates the 50th anniversary of April 25th through the creation of a new urban art itinerary. This route, promoted nationally by Turismo de Portugal, connects various locations across the country, representing all regions of the mainland and islands.

FREEDOM across the country

The artistic duo RUÍDO, composed of Draw (Frederico Soares Campos) and Alma (Rodrigo Guinea Gonçalves), created the 14 murals as part of their mission to paint FREEDOM across the country. So far, they have completed eight murals in São João da Madeira, Bragança, Caldas da Rainha, Vendas Novas, Vila Franca de Xira, Angra do Heroísmo, Castelo de Vide, and Lagos, with the remaining six expected to be finished by the end of October.

It’s worth noting that Lagos is a reference point in the urban art scene, thanks to the quality and variety of mural paintings produced over the last decade as part of the ARTURb project, led by LAC, in which Draw has also participated.

You can view “Freedom Mural #08,” dedicated to the theme “First Free Elections,” on the west side of the former Escola Básica n.º 2 de Lagos (commonly known as the former “Firefighters’ School”), which now serves as a space for local associations.


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