NPISA of Lagos has been strengthened

There are now 14 organizations in the network of the Núcleo de Planeamento e Intervenção Sem-Abrigo – Homelessness Planning and Intervention Center (NPISA) which aims to monitor and mitigate this problem in the municipality.

The signing of the additions to the Lagos NPISA protocol took place in the Paços do Concelho Séc. XXI Auditorium with representatives of the 14 current entities. They are Lagos Municipal Council, ARS Algarve, ULS Algarve, Portuguese Red Cross, National Republican Guard (GNR), Public Security Police (PSP), Employment and Professional Training Institute (IEFP), Source of Life Institute, Social Security Institute, Public Prosecutor’s Office, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lagos, Movimento de Apoio à Problemática da SIDA (MAPS), Direção-Geral de Reinserção e Serviços Prisionais (DGRSP) and Instituto para os Comportamentos Aditivos e as Dependências (ICAD), the last two new additions to the protocol.

The ceremony was opened by Sara Coelho, local councillor, and Fátima Santos, from the Social Security Institute as representative of the executive of the Lagos NPISA, who highlighted the fundamental role of this agreement in consolidating the joint efforts of the various entities, each with their own specificities and valences. Secondly, there was a presentation of the work carried out by the Lagos Delegation of the Portuguese Red Cross, Instituto Fonte de Vida and MAPS (LEGOS Project / TMN Project), which involves providing food and medical supplies.


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