Many motorists in Praia da Luz were confused by the appearance of blue lines painted on the tarmac around the village. Tomorrow contacted the Lagos câmara to clear up the mystery.
In the final stages of construction, the lines mark part of the 15.198-kilometre stretch of the Southern Algarve Coastal Ecovia that crosses the municipality of Lagos and runs between Burgau and Ribeira de Odiáxere. It can now be identified by the green lines painted on the tarmac and by vertical signs. Information panels will also be installed to help make the Ecovia, its route and the points of interest in its vicinity more visible.
During the course of the work, motorists have identified some doubts about the road. The city council, therefore, wishes to inform and clarify the following:
The Ecovia is not an urban cycle path, nor does it consist of a 100% dedicated corridor
The Ecovia includes areas exclusively for non-motorised vehicles (bicycles) and others with mixed traffic, passing through roads and paths, with more or less traffic
The route of the Ecovia do Litoral takes in cycle paths, dirt tracks, tarmac roads with little motorised traffic and sections of busier municipal and national roads
The green line painted on the tarmac is intended to indicate the route along which the Ecovia passes, but it does not delimit a lane reserved for bicycles, so motor vehicles continue to circulate, as they always have, in their lane (including the tarmac area between the green line and the pavement or the side of the road), but sharing it with cyclists and at a reduced speed of 30km/h
The green line is mainly used to indicate the Ecovia circuit in the municipality and to guide cyclists to the directions they can travel on the existing paved roads. Indicative arrows for cyclists will soon be painted, as well as pictograms symbolising the bicycle
The Ecovia, in the sections where it runs along tarmac roads, is not intended for pedestrian traffic, so the place for pedestrians is always on the pavement.
Watch the video showing the construction of the Ecovia in the municipality of Lagos.