Consul General of Guinea-Bissau visits Lagos

Yesterday, the municipality of Lagos received an official visit from Ambassador Josefina Kosta, Consul General of Guinea-Bissau in the Algarve. The ambassador was received by the members of the Lagos municipal executive, as well as the president of the Municipal Assembly, in the Paços do Concelho Séc. XXI building.

The main aim of the welcome reception was to show the unity between these two countries, as well as to strengthen the relationship of proximity, friendship and cooperation, highlighting the common history that unites them.

For the Lacobrigense executive, these moments of personal conviviality are an excellent way to strengthen centuries-old ties and create partnerships for the future.

Josefina Kosta, accompanied by Fernando de Carvalho, the consulate’s consultant, thanked Lagos for the welcome it had given them, considering it one of the most welcoming and warm municipalities she had visited.

After the official welcome, the ambassador was invited to visit the Museum of Lagos Dr. José Formosinho, as well as the historic centre of the city, combining the historical, cultural and gastronomic components of the municipality.

The ambassador’s courtesy visit is part of a tour of the region’s municipalities that she embarked on when she took over as head of the Consulate General of the Algarve.


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